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Foot Over Bridge's FOB on Lost Footing

Foot Over Bridge's FOB on Lost Footing

A foot-over bridge located at a stone's throw away from a junction complete with traffic signals and zebra crossing, is practically of no use. The bridge has now become space for political advertisements.

Reasons to avoid abandoned spaces range from miscreant-infestation, stretches dedicated for public urination, or mere stink of an unattended dump. One place in the city however is avoided for a much simpler reason: common sense. Khairtabad Foot-over-Bridge lies forgotten and unused except for an occasional user now and then. Why wouldn't it be unused? With the Khairatabad junction complete with pedestrian traffic signals and zebra crossing just a stone's throw away, why would anyone go through the strenuous task of taking the flight of stairs on the foot-over. This rationality however seems to be missed when the idea of the FoB was conceived. 

Wrongly placed?

Khairatabad footover bridge which is one of the foremost FoBs of the city seems to have lost its sheen because of its abandonment. All one would find on the FoB are a few beggars and occasionally a couple striving for some moments of privacy. A privacy which is largely ensured owing to the fact that the foot-over is scarcely used. "Beggars occupy the staircase. They have been there for as long as I can remember," says Hanumanth Rao, a resident of Khairatabad. 

Adding ad space

Though the FoB is not able to serve the purpose it was actually built for it has other purposes to fulfill. Khairatabad junction being a much sought after advertising center, the FoB provides a perfect space for an eye-ball grabbing advertisements. 

Stinky affair

Meanwhile, pedestrians have more reasons to avoid the foot-over bridge. A pedestrian trying to use the FoB from the Khairatabad Bus Stop to reach the other side has to endure an unpleasant experience. 

"There is a Sulabh Complex exactly at the foot of the stairs. It isn't a happy thought to pass across a public toilet just to take another flight of tiresome stairs. Walking along a few steps and crossing at the junction seems like a much sane idea to most; particularly women," says, Neha Jha, a frequent bus boarder at Khairatabad Bus Stop.Cityplus spoke to Ronald Rose asking him the efficient utility of the footover for which he says, "The fotover sure isn't being used as much as we would like it to be used. In fact that was one of the first things that I had taken into consideration when I was first transferred here. The positioning of the foot-over bridge is definitely at fault owing to the junction just a few steps away. There have been discussions within the department about how best the foot-over can be put to use and I am hopeful that a desirable outcome will be up soon."Claims that this foot-over bridge was soon to be provided an escalator reached the news several months ago.

All one can hope for is that at least then it would encourage people to use the foot-over; although that would only be to enjoy the novelty of an escalator.

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Source : http://htp.gov.in Press Release


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