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What is a Dividing Line on Road?

What is a Dividing Line on Road?

Road markings compliment the road signs. Markings are painted on the road to guide and regulate the traffic.

White is generally used for carriageway (road) markings except those indicating restrictions for which yellow markings are used. White or yellow together with black are used for kerb and object marking.

Dividing line
Dividing line

A dividing line is a road marking formed by a white/yellow line or two parallel white/yellow lines (broken or continous) designed to seperate the parts of a road to be used by vehicles travelling in opposite directions.
Broken Line (or Broken Line to the left of a Continuous Line)

You must keep to the left of these lines. You may cross them to overtake or make a turn, but you must only do so if it is safe.


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